Billy and Molly woke up very grumpy this morning, the novelty of going back to school and seeing their friends again, has well and truly worn off. They were not happy bunnies to say the least, until - HOORAH ! the postman arrived with a surprise parcel from Bertha.
There was lovely hand dyed wool felt , vintage buttons, some pretty pink thread ( which appears to have disappeared), a lovely card designed by Bertha and a wonderful pouch she'd made from vintage children's fabric. You can understand my delight, but why the children's ?
Here's why..
That lovely little purse was stuffed, and I mean STUFFED with sweeties,
and Yes, I did let them have some for breakfast ( the sugar rush kicked in just as we reached the play-ground).
Thank you Bertha, you made my life that bit easier this morning, although probably not their teacher's
Here's a little bag I made this morning taken from craft book 7
It should have been quick to do, but because it's for my niece's 18th bitrthday ,
it had to have lots of sparkly bits.
I find the older I get, the more I like sparkly, glittery ,girly, things. I used to dress like a boy and adore punk rock as a lass, but now I think I'll probably end my days looking like this.
Yay! I am so glad it got there safely and that the kids liked the candy! Thank you so much again for everything, you're too sweet!
Posted by: bertha | September 14, 2005 at 03:01 PM
For goodness sake woman! I hope you don't end up looking like that!
Your bag looks great!
Posted by: Nichola | September 14, 2005 at 03:22 PM
I adore your bag and I'm attracted to sparkleys like a crow, which I never was before (if it wasn't hemp, it just wasn't 'me'). Just call me debbie la rue.
Posted by: debbie | September 14, 2005 at 03:32 PM
Who wouldn't want to end up looking like Danny La Rue - he's totally wonderful. (He still does panto in Stockport - where I'm from - and we all love him.) I'm modelling myself more on Lily Savage these days - when she's in full sequin mode. How wonderful that we'll be able to recognise each other...
The bag is lovely. Your niece is very lucky.
Posted by: Jane | September 14, 2005 at 04:30 PM
I, too, am more and more drawn to the girly-looking things! :) Much to the chagrin of my mother, since when I was little I wouldn't wear a skirt to save my life.
Love the bag - beautiful detailing!
Posted by: wenders | September 14, 2005 at 04:35 PM
lovely bag and that hand dyed fleece is killing me.
Posted by: robin | September 14, 2005 at 06:55 PM
LOVE the bag - personally I think it's a shame if a girl can't have a bit of sparkle and glitter in her life. More is more, as far as I'm concerned!
Posted by: Samatha | September 14, 2005 at 08:00 PM
Ah! pez that would keep everyone happy. Gorgeous bag.
Posted by: jackie | September 14, 2005 at 09:06 PM
Its a natural thing to do - from punk to sequins. If S.Vicious was alive Im sure he'd be as glam.
Posted by: linda | September 14, 2005 at 10:58 PM
I am from a long line of "sparka" (one of my daughter's first few words)-addicted women. It's in my genetics. I have tried to fight it but it is now catching up to me. Resistance is futile. I say give in to the higher power that is the SPARKA!
Posted by: pyglet | September 14, 2005 at 11:08 PM
Oh my, I love the bag!! You can definately never have too much sparkly bits.
Posted by: myra | September 14, 2005 at 11:19 PM
That was so funny. Thanks for the laughs. Love the girly bag, too.
Posted by: Fran | September 14, 2005 at 11:43 PM
MUAH, all that glitters is Faaaaaabulous darling. I'm rather jelouse of Mm. La Rue as I never look that good all tarted up. Instead I'm sure I'll look more like this
The bag on the other hand is Fantastic! Well done.
Posted by: Sasha | September 15, 2005 at 01:31 AM
..actually I knew that bag reminded me of something. I'm reading Labyrinth by Kate Mosse at the moment and that design is on the book cover.
Posted by: Fran | September 15, 2005 at 03:19 AM
you did such a great job on the bag for your niece! i love the hand stitching design - i want to try sashiko too! i'm thinking of making the CD bag too (since i have the book)for dd - she doesn't have an i-pod.
Posted by: debbie | September 15, 2005 at 05:56 PM
I love the bag and I am also into sparkle.
Posted by: sandra lamb | September 15, 2005 at 10:26 PM
Why to go, dahlink!
Posted by: Snowbear | September 16, 2005 at 01:17 AM
That'll be me any day now, with the lipstick smeared all over my face and teeth.
Posted by: juju vail | September 16, 2005 at 12:18 PM
Oh yes...........sparkly and glittery please!!! I am sure there wasn't so much around before (when I was inmy 20's)except for Ms La Rue!!! Must show a photo of two pairs of shoes I bought....warning sunglasses may be needed!!
Posted by: shellyC | September 18, 2005 at 09:47 PM