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I love the links you give. I'm saving them for the weekend. Thank you!


great links!
i loved the make-a-word...
very addictive


lovely links :)
i´ll be browsing the whole weekend... no sewing work will be done, i fear...


Oh good links! Love that banner I can not wait to see it!!


That last one is CUTE INCARNATE. Your new banner is already looking great.

Veronica TM

That little bit of header looks amazing! Thank you for the great links.


Great links as always and I am just dying to see the banner! Do I spy a polka dot kerchief on that little chick's head? Too cute.


Ok, much longer do we wait???????
pretty please???


I snoozed and I looZZed--HAPPY BELATED BLOG Birthday! Smug old me; I'll have to remember to send salutations when I have the chance. That new blog banner looks mighty colorful---see what u can do in your old age?
So when is the real birthday? I think it is coming up soon;eh?

Momma Pajama

Oh, I am enjoying your blog! I have been looking through some of your archives and having such fun! Thanks for blogging!


You're absolutely and completely blamed for my not getting any work done. It can't be *my* fault.


PS - The new Dr. Who is starting here in a couple of weeks. I am already warming to him through the TV shorts - he looks a bit goofy and fun. But C.E.'s Dr. is still my secret crush.


Fun links! And I'm glad to see someone else shout out for Taro Gomi. We *love* the book My Friends and I have been meaning to get others.


oh! I'm overwhelmed by the *cute*!

I've been reading your blog for a while but I think this is my first comment. Hello!


I don't know if you did this on purpose, but I loved that when I clicked on your picture I got a nice close up of the stitching.


Gorgeous looking banner, can't wait to see the finished article :-)


new banners seem to be going around. i guess Ill have to jump on board soon. :)


Oh my - cuteness overload! I feel all sugery and sweet now - kinda like strawberry shortcake. If there was a strawberry field around here I'd grab my basket, put on a bonnet and go out pickin' sweet luscious fruit. Hehe. Had a lovely visit here today - so many pretty things to catch up on.


Hi! I love your blog and read it every week!

You've probably heard of her already but I wondered if you seen Poppy Treffrey's work! Its lovely. Saw her recently at the Bovey Tracey Craft Fair

Hope you like it!


Can't wait to see the new banner, everything is just so sweet!


I love your links lists! That letter stealing thing is a hoot.


You kill me with the cute every time. Love your banner!


ohhh, So Cute and fantastic!!!!


Love, love, love, love, LOVE your new banner!

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