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Happy New Year!!!
Praise the lord you are back, I was beginning to worry! Fantastic links, and lots to think about, and inspiration too!
Ooo, I must put my Japanese craft books on my blog too, a big thank you to you for opening my eyes to them!
Thanks for the past year, and looking forward to 2007!


Happy New Years to you too!
I look forward to all those goodies you create in 2007.


Happy New Year, Lyn!
My favourite professor in college used to always say, "Perfection isn't loveable". I've adopted it as my personal mantra. (And in that spirit, am not looking up any words to make sure I've spelled them correctly!) Your blog is such a joy to read--thank you for sharing yourself with all of us!


LOL, the "badly punctuated rubbish" bit really made me chuckle. My answer to the problem is "when in doubt, just stick a comma in there"!


I love reading your blog entries, rubbish and all. Thank *you* for all your openness, generosity, and humour. And have you *seen* the auction prices? Your Ginger is going to need a police security escort! Hooray!


hi lynn,
I have 4 kids also but I always found time to craft. if fact all my kids can knit even the boys,they get a great kick out of saying yes I made it!!!


opps sorry forgot to ask
Lynn where in England are you
I grew up just outside of Manchester


Happy New Year Lyn!

Pleased you had a good Christmas.

I always look forward to your posts - you definately don't need to stress about punctuation!!

claire Maraldo

I've been lurking on your blog for a couple of months now. Love your stuff and your writing is very funny. I've had to stifle a snort many a time. Gonna start my own blog soon. You're an inspiration!
Happy new year!!


I thank I wood have luved that teacher.


Always enjoy reading your blog and your many lovely pictures :-) The links are fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing - great to have new sources of inspiration.


thank you dear Lynn!
i wish you a happy new year!!
de la fantaisie,du bonheur,du succès; pour toi et ta douce famille! je vous embrasse!


Hi there lovely Lynn - I was beginning to worry as I have sent you a couple of e-mails. I'll send another so keep an eye out!
Happy New Year to you and yours,
Jane x


Hi Lyn, Thanks for all the great links, just wasted a heap of time checking them out! What fun. My 4 darlings were all keeping themselves amused while I indulged! So now it must be clean up the mess time!
So Glad I am not the only one who mis spells etc. My best friend is the punctuation (I even had to go back and check how to spell that!)Queen so she reads my blog and lets me know about all my mistakes. I think she should get a life LOL!


A happy new year to you too, Lyn! xoxo


Ginger is darling! You've done an amazing job with her. Literally the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I've bid on her myself, she's at 400 dollars now. You should be impressed with yourself. Really.

I'm looking forward to seeing your other creations, and will definately be trying to convince you to create something for me at some point. Thank you for sharing your work!

Laura Brunow

I saw your mohair kitty on the James Kim Auction and I think it is about the cutest thing I've ever seen. Congrats on the beautiful work. I'm a newlywed but I'll check back when I have some children to impress with your lovely little creatures.

Laura in San Francisco


Happy New Year (and new computer) to you, Lyn!
I love the way you write - and I look forward to reading whatever you have to say this New Year.


Ahhhhh it's all about the prattle! I had an English teacher who said a similar sort of thing to me. I tend to chuck it all into the post do a quick spell check using the automatic thing and then throw it out there. If there are glaring errors I do go back, but I like the free flowing stream of consciousness way of writting. Probably because it is the sort I like to read the most.

Enjoy the new computer and Happy New Year!


Oh do carry on prattling "about bugger all" it's all such good fun. Happy New Year to you and yours!


Happy New Year!! You're truly an inspiration. ;)

dede Warren

LoVE!!! your darling creations. do you sell them? an etsy shop maybe?? such darling yummy cuteness!!!


aha, there you are! Happy New Year to you and Molly. Did the bugger postman arrive yet? It's so darn slow from me to you. I hope you won't be "so over it" when it does show up.
Hey, I'm up for some paper mache myself this year--can I join u? oh, if only we could drink a fine wine over a bowl of mushy newspaper and glue.
cheers, mate!

Veronica TM

Happy new year to you, Lyn! Enjoy your new computer and happy crafting!
Thank you for the great links!


I for one always look forward to reading your 'prattle'. Your blog is such an inspiration and a source of laughter and wit in a world full up of negativity. Reading your blog inspired me to get going with one of my own - something I'm hugely grateful for so please keep on writing and sharing your wonderful creativity with us. Happy New Year Lyn.


Hi Lynn
Just wanted to thank you for your truly wonderful blog - I stumbled upon it accidentally a few months ago and it led me to this whole world of creative blogs - it was so exciting, suddenly I found all these kindred spirits. Mollychicken is still the one I read first every time - you are so talented and your writing always makes me laugh. I'm at home now with my first baby (he arrived six weeks early in October), and I love visiting the crafty world in those few peaceful moments when he sleeps - much more important than the housework of course. One day I hope to get my act together to start my own blog, perhaps when the new baby fog lifts a little.
Thanks again and best wishes for a fabulous New Year to you and your family



First of all, happy new year for you and your family!
My new years resolution is very alike yours, I tried to have a blog last year, but could never sit and write things down. But this words of your english teatcher are just what I needed to hear. Thanks for sharing. And pardon my bad english, I just had to try, I so love your blog and the things you make.
Best wishes!


Happy New Year to you...
I count on you for inspiration and links to worlds I would never see otherwise!


i love 'hearing' your blogs! such character. and your lovely ginger is marvelous. i'd love to play with her myself. who ever gets her is lucky-lucky!!


Happy New Year to you, too.x

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